Fondation H has been developing and producing publications since 2020, playing an active role in disseminating artistic knowledge related to Africa, the Indian Ocean and the diaspora.

In December 2023,Fondation H published the catalog for the exhibition Bientôt je vous tisse tous [Soon I will weave you all], a tribute to the artistic work of Zoarinivo Razakaratrimo, known as Madame Zo. The catalog includes 8 curatorial texts written by Prof. Dr. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung and Bérénice Saliou, co-curators of the exhibition Bientôt je vous tisse tous [Soon I willweave you all], Alya Sebti and Hobisoa Raininoro, co-curators of the public program, as well as texts by Hemerson Andrianetrazafy, Dr. Sarah Fee, Dr. Bako Rasoarifetra, Rina Ralay-Ranaivo, poems by Razafimahaleo Tonihasina, known as Na Hassi, and 250 pages of reproductions of works and exhibition views. The 350-page book is bilingual (French/English). It can be purchased for 50€ /250,000 Ariary at Fondation H offices in Antananarivo and Paris, in partner bookshops in France, and online.

In 2024,Fondation H is publishing the catalog for the exhibition Memoria: récits d'une autre Histoire [Memoria: accounts of another History]. This 250-page, trilingual (Malagasy/French/English) book includes an introductory text by Nadine Hounkpatin (co-curator of the exhibition), 3 texts each accompanying one of the chapters in the exhibition, Résurgences [Resurgences] by Virginie Andriamirado, Se souvenir pour un plus jamais ça [Remembering for a never again] by Ludonie Velotrasina, Chaos, ténèbres, femme. Méditations inactuelles sur un avenir afro-mondial [Chaos, darkness, woman. Inactual meditations on an afro-world future] by Ashraf Jamal, and 22 notices of works written by 12 authors: Tsiaro Andriamahery, Marie Doumerc, Veronique Elinoro Rajaonah, Fanevasoa Rabemiarana, Aina Zo Raberanto, Nirina Ralantoaritsimba, Elie Ramanankavana, Soafara Ramiandrisoa, Niry Ravoninahidraibe, Mpihary Razafindrabeandriana, Aude Razafindratsima, and Astride Yaoba. The catalog also includes full biographies of the artists. Numerous exhibition views and reproductions of works complete the book.

In addition to these catalogs, exhibition booklets have been published for each Fondation H exhibition in Antananarivo and Paris since 2020. These booklets are available for free consultation at the library of Fondation H and online (see below).  Fondation H invites a personality from the world of the written word (art critic, curator, writer, poet, etc.) to write a text to accompany each of the solo exhibitions hosted by Fondation H in Antananarivo and Paris. These texts and booklets accompany visitors on their journey through the exhibitions, providing key information on the works, artists and themes addressed. They facilitate a deeper and more enriching understanding of the exhibitions.


Fonnkèr La Line [Moon Talk], Magalie Grondin, June 1 to July 20, Paris, France
Click here to discover the booklet

NOIRES [BLACK WOMEN], Roxane Mbanga, April24 to May 23, Paris, France
Click here to discover the booklet  

Misy diso [There are mistakes], January 10 to February 10, Paris, France
Click here todiscover the booklet  

Memoria: récits d'une autre Histoire [Memoria: accounts of another History], collective exhibition, April4, 2024 to February 28, 2025, Antananarivo, Madagascar
A catalog extract will be available soon.


Tsy manan-kialofana [Homeless], Ashiko Ratovo, winner of the 7th edition of Prix Paritana, December 13 to December 22, Paris, France
Click here to discover the booklet

A la recherche des Betia [In search of Betia], Dina Nomena Andriarimanjaka, vice-winner of the 7th edition of Prix Paritana, December 2 to December 31, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Click here to discover the booklet

Balade mentale [Mental Walk], Arilala Ophélia Ralamboson, vice-winner of the 7th edition of Prix Paritana, November 4 to 25, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Click here to discover the booklet

Pensées du tremblement [Trembling Thinkings], Ange Dakouo, September 14 to November 25, Paris, France
Click here to discover the booklet  

A vendre [For Sale], Adji Dieye, June 27 to August 5, Paris, France
Click here to discover the booklet  

Confluence, Johanna Mirabel, May 17 to June 10,Paris, France
Click here todiscover the booklet  

Bientôt je tisse tous [Soon I will weave you all], Madame Zo, inaugural exhibition of Fondation H new space, April 28, 2023 to February 29, 2024, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Click here to discover an extract from the catalog


Ho nofy ihany [Nothing But A Dream], Mahefa Dimbiniaina Randrianarivelo, winner of the 6th edition of Prix Paritana, December 2, 2022 to January 28, 2023, Paris, France
Click here to discover the booklet

Cellules humaines, C'est lui l'humain [Human Cells, He Is Human], Olivia Bourgois, vice-winner of the 6thedition of Prix Paritana, November 23 to December 23, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Click here to discover the booklet  

Oxymore [Oxymoron], Viviane Rakotoarivony, vice-winner of the 6th edition of Prix Paritana, October 13 to November 11, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Click here to discover the booklet

Barbie Caillou [Pebble Barbie], Temandrota, September 14 to November 23, Paris, France
Click here to discover the booklet  

Homo Intentio, Zouba K, June 22 to September 30,Antananarivo, Madagascar
Click here to discover the booklet  

Mysteries of Desire, Adelaide Damoah, May 13 to July 30, Paris, France
Click here to discover the booklet  

Ambiversion, Mahefa Rasamuel, May 5 to June 13, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Click here to discover the booklet  

Les feux que vos derniers souffles ravivent [The Fires Rekindle By Your Last Breaths], Myriam Omar Awadi, January 1 to April 27, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Click here to discover the booklet  

Habiter Le Monde Qui Nous Habite [Inhabiting the World That Inhabits Us], Hyacinthe Ouattara, January 17 to April 16, Paris, France
Click here to discover the booklet    


Tomboka hasambarana [Here Begins Happiness], Richianny Ratovo, winner of the 5th edition of Prix Paritana, December 1 to 18, Paris, France
Click here to discover the booklet  

Les peurs s'envolent [Fears Fly Away], Indie, vice-winner in the 5thedition of Prix Paritana, December 8 to 23, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Click here todiscover the booklet  

CMYK, Ms V, vice-winner of the 5th edition of Prix Paritana, November 11 to 26, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Click here to discover the booklet  

Lo Sa La Ter Ruz [On This Red Earth], Shiraz Bayjoo, September 16 to November 20, Paris, France
Click here to discover the booklet  

Les descendants de Rapeto et Rasoalao [The Descendants of Rapeto and Rasoalao], VeloAry et Maromaitso, August 5 to October 29, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Click here to discover the booklet  

Velo-misy [Our Stories Exist], Joey Aresoa, June 17 to July 30, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Click here to discover the booklet  

Démêle, discipline et nourrit intensément [Detangles, Tames and Intensely Nourishes], M'Barka Amor, June 12 to July 30, Paris, France
Click here to discover the booklet  

Fil d'Exil [Theard of Exil], Maya Inès Touam, May 19 to June 5, Paris, France
Click here to discover the booklet  

Nofy an-tsary [Visual Dream], Tahina Rakotoarivony, April 17 to June 4, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Click here to discover the booklet  

Chère Embona [Dear Embona], Christian Sanna, February 15 to March 26, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Click here to discover the booklet  


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